Cloud Providers
Google Cloud

Installing Ctrlplane on Google Cloud Platform

It is recommended to install Ctrlplane on a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using the official Terraform/Opentofu module. You can customize it to accommodate your needs.

If you cannot use the Terraform module, you can install Ctrlplane manually to a GKE cluster and use the Helm Chart based install.

Using Terraform

You can find the terraform registry module here (opens in a new tab), and the terraform repository here (opens in a new tab).

This module creates a reslient and fault tolerant Ctrlplane installation using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) as the computing environment and the following services for storing data:

  • CloudSQL for PostgreSQL
  • Memorystore for Redis
  • Cloud Storage


module "ctrlplane" {
  source  = "sizzldev/ctrlplane/google"
  version = "x.x.x" // Use the latest version
  namespace = "ctrlplane"
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