Actions Dispatcher

Actions Dispatcher

GitHub Actions Dispatcher is allows you to trigger other GitHub Actions workflows from a single workflow. This is useful when you want to run multiple workflows in parallel or when you want to trigger a workflow from another repository.

Creating Actions

Due to limitations of the GitHub API (opens in a new tab), workflows do not return the run ID. Inorder for Ctrl Plane to get the ID it generates a random one that is passed into the pipeline and is expected to be added to the Run name. This can be done by adding

name: Receiving Workflow
run-name: Receiving Workflow [${{ inputs.distinct_id && inputs.distinct_id || 'N/A' }}]
        description: "Distinct ID"
        required: false

Configuring a workflows

Each provider will make there own assmputions about how values and properties are expected to be passed to the underlying workflow. In this section we will outline the format inwhich data will be passed in.

First, the workflow must be able to be triggered by a dispatch.

  workflow_dispatch: {}
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