Ctrlplane is a centralized, scalable deployment management system designed to simplify and automate software deployments. At the core of Ctrlplane are several key components that work together to ensure smooth operations.
Targets are entities such as Kubernetes clusters, virtual machines, or other logical resources, that the system interacts with. These targets can be added manually or through Target Providers, which automate the process by continuously monitoring infrastructure, updating target statuses, and providing real-time visibility. Targets are organized into Environments, which dynamically update based on target filters, ensuring the right infrastructure is always in place for deployments.
Once targets and environments are established, Deployments come into play. A deployment is the process of releasing a specific version of a system into an environment. Each deployment is governed by Environment Policies, which manage how software transitions between environments. When a release is created, it generates a Job, which is executed by Job Agents that handle tasks like running CI/CD pipelines. In addition, Ctrlplane supports Runbooks, predefined jobs that automate routine tasks like troubleshooting or maintenance, providing further automation and reliability. Together, these components form an integrated system for managing software releases and operational tasks in a streamlined, efficient way.